We have moved to a purpose built workshop Stirling, despite what Google says we are still open, also our telephone number has changed, see below.

I now full offer tonearm repairs following extensive training by John Nielson of Audio Origami fame,  Linn Ittoks and Naim Aro’s are our speciality, but I work on just about any arm, and none have so far defeated me.

if you wish to discuss your repair, or any other questions please call on 01786-940020 or email

About The HiFi Gallery

Scotland’s newly established high end Hifi retailer, with 40 years’ experience as an audiophile and around 10 years’ experience of managing high end Hifi businesses, the time has come to try and bring a change to the business.

Why Us?

First and foremost, we are all music lovers and audiophiles, Hifi for us must suspend our disbelief, we should prefer resolution to detail, all the system has to do is make us believe we are listening to a performance?

At the Hifi Gallery you will not be ‘sold’ a product, you will not be sold a ‘price point’ Cost is not an indicator of performance!

Audiophiles who are happy with their system rarely upgrade, if you are looking for the next upgrade then that is essentially a ‘problem’ you need to solve. At the Hifi Gallery you will be asked as to why you called, and with that information, try and get to the bottom of the ‘problem’ you have, it may be the product you first asked for is ideal, or perhaps you could consider another change, which may not even cost much if anything at all, but you can be sure you won’t just be sold a product, you will be offered a solution that solves the ‘problem, which may involve several steps over several years, but ultimately you will be presented a solution to your own Hifi Nirvana.

The range of products on offer at the Hifi Gallery, are often mixed and matched ensuring that most of them are harmonious with each other, they have been chosen on how they sound, not what they cost!

If you have read this far then please get in touch, I’m happy to chat on the phone, or via email or text, whichever you feel more comfortable with, our initial discussions will be getting to know each other, talking hifi, music or the weather, all useful in helping us arrive at a solution you are happy with, hopefully our relationship will grow, I have many delighted customers from the past, some of whom are so happy with their system that they don’t have a problem for me to solve, we consider each other friends and we do keep in touch.

Paul Bird

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